BBC: BBC transferees treasury stocks
July 24, 2012, BIBICA Corporation announces the transfer of treasury shares:
BIBICA Corporation transferees 49,590 treasury shares to union of BIBICA Corporation
> DVP: Board resolution (27/07/2012)
> S99: Board Resolution (27/07/2012)
> HNX Notice: First trading date of additional shares (HDM) on UPCoM (27/07/2012)
> HOSE: C ratio of outstanding shares of VN30 - Phase 2/2012 (27/07/2012)
> AVS: Corporate Governance report (first 06 months) (27/07/2012)
> BHT: Corporate Governance report (first 06 months) (27/07/2012)
> SD9: Board Resolution (27/07/2012)
> CII: Resolution of extraordinary meeting of shareholders (27/07/2012)
> SGD: Board Resolution (27/07/2012)
> PSC: Corporate Governace report (first 06 months) (27/07/2012)