Saturday, 16/06/2012 10:35

TPC: Trading result of major shareholder

Tan Dai Hung Plastic Joint Stock Company (TAN DAI HUNG JOINT STOCK CO.) has announced a trading result of major shareholder as follows:

-         Stock symbol: TPC

-         Investor: Que Tran Company Limited

-         Owning volume before trading: 1,684,986 shares (7.92%)

-         Volume registered to sell and buy: 700,000 shares

-         Bought volume: 10,000 shares

-         Sold volume: 672,050 shares

-         Owning volume after trading: 1,022,936 shares (4.81%)

-         Trading method: Order matching or put through

-         Trading period:  from May 08, 2012 to June 07, 2012


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>   PVE: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Thang) (16/06/2012)

>   PVE: Notice of transaction of connected person (Ms. Linh) (16/06/2012)

>   TAS: Notice of Treasury stock sale (16/06/2012)

>   TAS: Notice of transaction of Directors, PDMR (Le Ho Khoi) (16/06/2012)

>   VDN: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (16/06/2012)

>   HPL: Notice of transaction of Directors, PDMR (16/06/2012)

>   GDW: Result of transaction of connected person/ institution (Dong A Securities Corporation) (16/06/2012)

>   VDN: Notice of transaction of Directors, PDMR (16/06/2012)

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