TAS: Notice of Treasury stock sale
> TAS: Notice of transaction of Directors, PDMR (Le Ho Khoi) (16/06/2012)
> VDN: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (16/06/2012)
> HPL: Notice of transaction of Directors, PDMR (16/06/2012)
> GDW: Result of transaction of connected person/ institution (Dong A Securities Corporation) (16/06/2012)
> VDN: Notice of transaction of Directors, PDMR (16/06/2012)
> SFI: Transaction of affiliated person (16/06/2012)
> BBC: Trading result of major shareholder (16/06/2012)
> OPC: Change in the ownership ratio of a major shareholder (16/06/2012)
> SFI: Change in the ownership ratio of a major shareholder (Trade Ocean Holdings Sdn. Bhd) (16/06/2012)
> HLA: Trading result of affiliated institution (16/06/2012)