Saturday, 16/06/2012 10:18

NBB: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2011

NBB Investment Corporation announced the resolution of the 2011 annual general meeting on April 27, 2012:

-         The Meeting approved the report of the Board of Directors in 2011

-         The Meeting approved the financial statements and the adjustment of profit distribution in 2011:

+         Total revenue:                                        VND 412,784,701,677 reach 65.00% of the plan

+         Profit before tax:                                    VND 102,492,370,013 reach 47.23% of the plan

+         Profit after tax of parent company:     VND 69,590,280,214 reach 43.49% of the plan

-         The Company’s profit after tax was distributed as follows:

+         Financial reserve fund:            VND 2,754,816,499

+         Bonus fund:                               VND 4,123,845,174

+         Welfare fund:                             VND 3,734,000,000

+         Dividend to shareholders:      VND 24,416,960,000 (VND1,600/share)

+         Dividend of preferred stock:   VND3,900,000,000 (VND1,500/share)

+         Remuneration of the BOD and the Board of Supervisors: VND 700,000,000

+         Retained earnings:                  VND 29,960,658,541

-         The Meeting approved reports of the Board of Supervisors in 2011.

-         The Meeting approved business plan for 2012:

  1. Targets for 2012:

+         Total revenue:                VND780.87 billion

+         Profit before tax:            VND288.86 billion

+         Profit after tax:                VND216.64 billion

2.   Plan for profit distribution in 2012:

+         Financial reserve fund:    0%

+         Bonus fund:                       5%

+         Welfare fund:                     5%

+         Dividend:                           from 16% to 20%

+         Remuneration of the BOD and the Board of Supervisors: 1%

-         The remaining profit will be added to production development fund and retained earnings

-         The Meeting approved the policy invite for investment co-operation.

-         The Meeting approved bonus for exceeding the plan profit for the year 2012:

-         If the profit after tax exceed by the 2011 Annual shareholders Meeting for approval, the Meeting will be agree bonus to as below:

-         Exceed by 20% of plan: bonus to 10% of the exceeded profit amount(1)

-         Exceed by over 20% of plan: bonus as at (1) plus 20% of the exceeded profit amount

-         Above bonus will be distributed to:

+         Employees: 25%

+         Board of Directors: 25%

+         The Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors: 50%

-         The Meeting approved to choose of International Auditing and Financial Consulting Co., Ltd (IFC) to audit financial statements in 2012

-         The resignation Mr. Tran Quang Trinh from a member of the Board of Directors according to his personal aspiration.

-         The Meeting approved BOD Chairman, would concurrently hold the post of CEO in 2012.

-         This resolution takes effect from April 27, 2012.


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