MCP: Explanation for business result in Q1/2012
My Chau Printing & Packaging Holdings Company has explained the fluctuation in business result of Quarter 1/2012 compared to Quarter 1/2011:
- Profit before tax in Quarter 1/2012 was equal to 79% of profit before tax in Quarter 1/2011 because of the following reasons: + Interest expenses in quarter 1/2012 was higher than quarter 1/2011.+ Production cost increased because prices of main materials rose while selling prices went up uncorresponding.
- Profit before tax in Quarter 1/2012 was equal to 79% of profit before tax in Quarter 1/2011 because of the following reasons:
+ Interest expenses in quarter 1/2012 was higher than quarter 1/2011.
+ Production cost increased because prices of main materials rose while selling prices went up uncorresponding.
> PDR: Explanation for business result in Quarter 1.2012 (08/06/2012)
> PIT: Explanation for business result in Q1/2012 (08/06/2012)
> SDJ: Explanation for negative profit in FY 2011 (08/06/2012)
> SCR: 2012.Quarter I_ Financial Statement (consolidated) (08/06/2012)
> IVS: Change of Branch address and the Director of Branch (08/06/2012)
> TDC: Explanation for business results in quarter 1/2012 (08/06/2012)
> PNC: Explanation for business result in 2011 (08/06/2012)
> BCI: Report on using the proceeds of share offering (08/06/2012)
> KVS: KVS closes a branch (08/06/2012)
> BGM: The Record Date for Annual General Meeting 2012 (08/06/2012)