MAFPF1: Change of the authorized information disclosure staff
Manulife Progressive Fund announced a personnel change as follows:
- Mr. Dao Duc Dung replaced Mr. Dang Vi Thanh as the authorized information disclosure staff as from June 16, 2012.- Therefore, the authorized information disclosure staff of Manulife Progressive Fund as from June 16, 2012: + Ms. Nguyen Vu Ngoc Trinh+ Mr. Dao Duc Dung
- Mr. Dao Duc Dung replaced Mr. Dang Vi Thanh as the authorized information disclosure staff as from June 16, 2012.
- Therefore, the authorized information disclosure staff of Manulife Progressive Fund as from June 16, 2012:
+ Ms. Nguyen Vu Ngoc Trinh
+ Mr. Dao Duc Dung
> PCG: Change in key person (21/06/2012)
> HOM: Change in the Board of Directors (21/06/2012)
> CLG: CLG changes the Regulation of Company (21/06/2012)
> MKV: Board Resolution (21/06/2012)
> FDC: FDC extends the time for extraordinary general meeting (21/06/2012)
> MKV: Notice of record date for ballot (20/06/2012)
> ALP: The record date for the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting 2012 (20/06/2012)
> BIC: Notice of the main targets for first five months of 2012 (20/06/2012)
> STB: Sacombank appoints Deputy CEO (20/06/2012)
> MAFPF1: ManulifeAM (Vietnam) appoints new internal supervisor (20/06/2012)