LAS: Notice of record date for dividend payment of 2011
1. Issuer: Lam Thao Fertilizers and Chemicals Joint Stock Company2. Stock code: LAS3. Stock type: common stock4. Par value: VND 10,0005. Record date: 20/06/20126. Ex-date: 18/06/20127. Reasons: * Dividend payment in cash of 2011 (second round) - Exercise rate: 10%/share (shareholders receive VND 1,000 for every share they own)- Place of payment: + For deposited shares: securities companies where shares of shareholders have been deposited.+ For undeposited shares: Lam Thao Fertilizers and Chemicals Joint Stock Company on working days from 06/07/2012. Securities certificate and Identification Card (original copy) are required. In case of authorization, a proxy with certified seal of the local authority is further requested in addition to the mentioned above. - Exercise date: 06/07/2012+ For deposited shares: securities companies where shares of shareholders have been deposited.* Dividend payment by share of 2011- Exercise rate: 20% (shareholders receive 01 new share for every 05 shares t
+ The odd shares ranked from high to low
+ If odd shares are equal – priority to shareholder who owning greater than
+ If odd shares and shareholding are equal, allocated in order from top to bottom according to the list closing by the Securities Depository Vietnam until enough 10,810,000 addition shares issued
> PTI: Notice of record date for dividend payment of 2011 (16/06/2012)
> TTP: Resolution on the dividend payment No.2/2011 (16/06/2012)
> PTL: Change of the date for payment for the 2011 dividend (16/06/2012)
> SZL: The record date for dividend payment 2011 (16/06/2012)
> PGS: Board resolution on Second dividend payment 2011 and Borrowing plan (16/06/2012)
> VNT: Notice of record date for Dividend payment (16/06/2012)
> HTI: The record date for the first of 2011 dividend payment in cash (16/06/2012)
> TTP: Resolution on the dividend payment No.2/2011 (14/06/2012)
> NTB: The record date for dividend payment of 2010 and the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting (12/06/2012)