Tuesday, 15/05/2012 19:06

TCL: Report on using the capital

Tan Cang Logistics and Stevedoring Joint Stock Company announced the result of using the proceeds from the 2011 stock offering to the existing shareholders to increase the charter capital as follows


Report on the offering:

- Name of stock: Stock of Tan Cang Logistics and Stevedoring Joint Stock Company

- Stock code: TCL

- Stock type: Common stock

- Par value: VND10,000/share

- Offering volume: 92,243,988 shares

+ To the existing shareholders with a ratio of 4:1: 8,212,238 shares

- Sold volume: 2,243,988 shares

+ To existing shareholders: 1,752,021 shares

+ To Thang Long Securities Joint Stock Company: 491,967 shares

- Total proceeds from the offering: VND 35,589,834,905

- Report on using the proceeds from the offering:


- According the Resolution No.170/NQ-DHDCD dated March 15, 2011, purpose of using the proceeds from the offering for buy 02 cranes KE (Gantry Crance): € 5,223,340 and $ 1,641,420 and additional working capital.


- The Company used VND 35,589,834,905 in compensating for the working capital to pay 20% of the contact value No. 01/TANCANG LOGISTICS/KK/2010: VND 33,482,906,200 and to pay VND 2,106,928,705 for construction transport JSC No.9 – Stage 1.


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