- Stock code: IDV
- Securities type: Common stock
- Name of person connected with a person discharging managerial responsibility (PDMR)/Director: Dang Thai Ha
- Number of shares held by connected person before transaction: 22,300 shares
- Name of PDMR/Director in the listed company: Phan Anh Quan
- Position in the listed company: Disclosure Information officer
- Relation between connected person and PDMR/Director: Mother and son
- Number of shares held by person discharging managerial responsibility (PDMR)/Director: 0 shares
- Number of shares registered for sale: 22,300 shares
- Number of shares registered for acquisition: 22,300 shares
- Number of shares disposed: 17,800 shares
- Number of shares acquired: 0 shares
- Total holding following transaction: 4,500 shares
- Total percentage holding following transaction: 0.1381%
- Reason for not completing transaction: the prices were not as expected
- Start date of transaction: 26/03/2012
- End date of transaction: 25/05/2012