Kinh Do Corporation has announced a trading resul and transaction of major shareholder as follows:
- Stock symbol: KDC
- Investor: Deutsche Bank AG London
- Owning volume before trading: 6,808,544 shares (5.16%)
- Registered volume to sell: 600,000 shares; buy: 800,000 shares
- Sold volume: 144,980 shares
- Bought volume: 235,620 shares
- Owning volume after trading: 6,899,184 shares (5.23%)
- Trading method: Order matching
- Trading period: from April 23, 2012 to May 23, 2012
- Reason of incomplete transaction: the price was not in the trader’s expectation
- Volume registered to continues buying: 200,000 shares;
- Volume registered to continues selling: 600,000 shares
- Owning volume after trading: 6,499,184 shares (4.92%)
- Trading method: Order matching and put through
- Expected trading period: from May 29, 2012 to June 01, 2012