Sai Gon Garment Manufacturing Trade Joint Stock Company announced the resolution of the 2012 Annual General Meeting dated April 07, 2012 as follows
- The General Meeting approved the audited financial statements in 2011
- The General Meeting approved the report of the Board of Directors in 2011
- The General Meeting approved the adjustment of the 2011 dividend rate from 20% to 25%, payment method in cash, payment date authorized to the BOD to decided
- The General Meeting approved the profit distribution in 2011
- The General Meeting approved the audited consolidated financial statements
- The General Meeting approved the report of the BOD and the Board of Supervisors in 2011 and choosing A & C Auditing and Consulting Co. Ltd to audit financial statements in 2012
Main targets in 2012:
- Business target:
+ Revenue : VND 900,000,000,000
+ Profit before tax : VND 55,000,000,000
+ Pay the 2012 dividend at 20% /charter capital/year in cash.
+ Remuneration of the BOD and the Board of Supervisors: 2% of profit after tax
- Bonus to the BOD:
+ Complement 100% of profit target, bonus 4%of profit after tax
+ Exceeding profit target, additional bonus 10% of exceeding of profit after tax.
+ Approved to set up Saigon Xanh Garment two-member Co. Ltd
+ Chartered capital: VND 86 billion
+ Contribution rate: Garmex Sai Gon contributes 51% and Blue contributes 49%.
+ Amending the company’s regulation.
- This resolution took effect from April 07, 2012.