Cambodia to aid ASEAN’s small states
Cambodia's Minister of Economy and Finance Cham Prasidh yesterday said the Kingdom would push forward with efforts to eliminate development gaps among ASEAN member states during its chairmanship this year.
The rate of development among ASEAN’s older members such as Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand has far outpaced the growth in newer members, namely mainland states such as Cambodia, Cham Prasidh said on the sidelines on the 7th ASEAN Economic Community Meeting at the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh.
“During our chairmanship, we want to make the gap smaller and smaller, not only for our own development, but also to help all members.”
Prime Minister Hun Sen, during the 16th ASEAN Finance Ministers’ Meeting last week, called on all member states to strengthen cooperation for the realisation of the economic community in 2015.
“All member countries should gear themselves up to embrace a new paradigm of regional co-operation,” he said.
phnom penh post