OPC: Information disclosure violation
The violation of information disclosure requirement of a major shareholder:
- SSI Vision Fund, a major shareholder of OPC Pharmaceutical JSC (HOSE: OPC) bought 18,160 OPC shares and sold 1,000 OPC shares from November 24, 2011 to December 12, 2011 but did not have any announcements before trading.
> VMD: Information disclosure violation (30/12/2011)
> VPH: Explanation for 5 consecutive falling sessions (30/12/2011)
> LSS: Setting up a subsidiary (30/12/2011)
> VOS: Reminded to submit FS of Q4.2011 (30/12/2011)
> VN-Index loses momentum on growing uncertainty (30/12/2011)
> ST8: Extraordinary meeting of shareholders notice (29/12/2011)
> CMI: Notice of record date for a ballot (29/12/2011)
> VNC: Supplement of business lines (29/12/2011)
> TIG - stock with 5 consecutive floor-plunging sessions (29/12/2011)