TPC: Information disclosure violation
Violation of information disclosure requirement of the insider trading in Tan Dai Hung Plastic JSC as follows:
Mr. Ta Xuan Thuy (Husband of Ms. Le Thi My Ngoc – Member of the Supervisory Board) was late in reporting the trading result of TPC stock after registering to trade on July 08, 2011.
> Equities resurrect on bottom fishing (06/10/2011)
> PTL: Changes of company name & head office (05/10/2011)
> SVC: Change of Business Address (05/10/2011)
> TSC: TSC opens subsidiary TSP (05/10/2011)
> ACL: Cl- Fish Corp dissolves a subsidiary (05/10/2011)
> FLC: Company Profile (06/10/2011)
> Sluggish trading, shares continue to decline (05/10/2011)
> ACBS: ACBS closes a trading office (05/10/2011)
> TVSI: Branch office changes (05/10/2011)