PPS: Deputy Manager Change
Petrovietnam Power Services JSC (HNX: PPS) announces change in the Deputy Manager as follows:
- Mr. Bui Duy Nghi and Mr. Vu Quang Dung - has been appointed Deputy Manager with effect since 30/08/2011.
> PVL: Deputy General Manager Change (06/09/2011)
> S91: Management Change (06/09/2011)
> LM3: General Manager Change (06/09/2011)
> KHP: Change of the State’s representative (01/09/2011)
> VLA: Board Resolution on change in BOD (29/08/2011)
> SCR: Management Change (26/08/2011)
> OGC: Deputy Director General Resigns (25/08/2011)
> PTL: Personnel Change in the Board of Directors (24/08/2011)
> SBS: Deputy Director General Resigns (24/08/2011)
> PPS: Change in Deputy Manager (24/08/2011)