TSC: Explanation for business results in quarter 1/2011
Techno - Agricultural Supplying Joint Stock Company (HOSE: TSC) has explained in quarter 1/2011 compared with in quarter 1/2010 as follows:
Interest expenses increased 02 times quarter1/2010 (VND20.064 billion compared with VND9.507 billion) but the end quarter 1/2011 net revenue was VND516,869 billion increased 14.03% compared with quarter 1/2010 and profit before tax was VND14.143 billion increased 29.41% compared with quarter 1/2010 because the goods price increased compared with quarter1/2010, special export prices of agricultural products processing.
> TAC: TAC chooses A&C to audit the financial statements in 2011 (06/06/2011)
> NTB: Explanation for business result in Q1.2011 (06/06/2011)
> CYC: Late submission of financial statements (Time 2) (06/06/2011)
> EVE: Explanation for business result in Quarter 1/2011 (06/06/2011)
> ELC: Setting up a subsidiary (01/06/2011)
> SBS: Explanation for business result in Q1/2011 (01/06/2011)
> HCM sets up a new Branch (01/06/2011)
> Singaporeans buy 65% stake in HCMC firm (01/06/2011)
> MCG: Explanation for business result in Quarter 1/2011 (25/05/2011)
> BMI: Explanation for business result in Quarter 1/2011 (25/05/2011)