HAI: Explanation for business result in Quarter 2/2011
H.A.I Joint Stock Company (HOSE: HAI) explained the business fluctuation in quarter 2/2011 (from January 01, 2011 to March 31, 2011) increased 10% compared with quarter 2/2010 (from January 01, 2010 to March 31, 2011) as follows:
• Profit before tax of Q2.2011 was: VND60,307,051,829
• Profit before tax of Q2.2010 was: VND23,337,828,974
• Profit before tax of 2/2011 increased by VND36,969,222,855 (158.4%) compared with quarter 2/2010.
Gross profit in the quarter mutant tank because revenue increased 74% while cost of goods sold increased 57% because of the following reasons:
• Predict the difficult situation on the foreign exchange rate. The company had the plan imported goods and materials from quarter 1/2011. Wherefore, cost of goods sold of the company unaffected by the foreign exchange rate.
• The company has researched and brought to market several new products with high quality, reasonable price.