CTC: Board resolution
Gia Lai Culture - Tourism Joint Stock Company (HNX: CTC) announces the board resolution approved on 16/03/2011 as follows:
Article 1.
To complete strategy of developing investment and operation, Gia Lai C.T.C continue distributing capital to Gia Lai culture – tourism Joint Stock Company by the way of purchasing 499,224 shares of SCIC with percentage holding is 37% and investing amount is VND11,482,152,000.
Gia Lai C.T.C currently holds 23% of Gia Lai Services and Tourism Joint Stock Company’s fund. After purchasing 37% of SCIC’s fund , Gia Lai C.T.C’s total holding will be 60% and become parent company of Gia Lai Services and Tourism Joint Stock Company.
> CKV: Board resolution (04/04/2011)
> VCM: Notice of record date for annual general meeting of shareholders (04/04/2011)
> TCS: Results of annual general meeting of shareholders 2011 (04/04/2011)
> SVS: Results of annual general meeting of shareholders 2011 (04/04/2011)
> STP: Time and place for annual general meeting of shareholders 2011 (04/04/2011)
> VCH: Notice of record date for annual general meeting of shareholders (04/04/2011)
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