SBS: Explanation for Q4/2010 business result
According to Income Statement in Quarter 4/2010, profit after tax of Sacombank Securities Joint Stock Company (HOSE: SBS) in Quarter 4/2010 increased by 24% from Quarter 4/2009 because of profits from the Company’s proprietary trading and capital investment. Income from proprietary trading and capital investment in Quarter 4/2010 increased by 190% and other incomes increased by 15% compared to the same period last year.
> OGC: Explanation for Q4.2010 business result (14/02/2011)
> VLF: Collected income taxes in the previous years (11/02/2011)
> VNM: THE 2010 ESOP (11/02/2011)
> SJC: Board resolution (11/02/2011)
> EFI: Explanation for the change of over 5% in operating result in QIV- 2010 (11/02/2011)
> AME: Board resolution (11/02/2011)
> STC: Board resolution (27/01/2011)
> DBC: Board resolution (28/01/2011)
> GIL: Extension of the submission date for Q4/2010 financial statements (28/01/2011)
> SRF: Extension of the submission date for Q4/2010 financial statements (28/01/2011)