TDC: Change in stock transfer restriction
On November 15, 2010, Binh Duong Trade and Development Joint Stock Company (HoSE: TDC) announced the change in stock transfer restriction: 50%/current shares of the following inside shareholders now become transferable.
Note: Stock type:
Type 1: Unrestricted stock
Type 2: Restricted stock
> BTT: Member of BOD registered to buy 20,000 shares (18/11/2010)
> BTT: Chief Accountant registered to buy 10,000 shares (18/11/2010)
> COM: Sai Gon Petro registered to buy 500,000 shares (18/11/2010)
> DCC: Member of Supervisory Board registered to sell 20,000 shares (18/11/2010)
> DHC: Chairman of BOD registered to buy 200,000 shares (18/11/2010)
> DIC: Chairman of BOD bought and sold 114,000 shares (18/11/2010)
> DIC: Transaction of inside shareholder (18/11/2010)
> FMC: Mr. Quach Hoang Phong bought 100,000 shares (18/11/2010)
> GIL: Chairman of BOD registered to buy and sell 400,000 shares (18/11/2010)
> HAI: SSI Vision Fund bought 35,000 shares (18/11/2010)