FMC: Mr. Quach Hoang Phong bought 100,000 shares
Sao Ta Foods Joint Stock Company (HoSE: FMC) has announced a trading result of major shareholder as follows:
* Stock symbol: FMC
* Investor: Mr. Quach Hoang Phong
* Owning volume before trading: 329,810 shares (4.2%)
* Bought volume: 100,000 shares
* Owning volume after trading: 429,810 shares (5.4%)
* Trading period: November 15, 2010 (Has became major shareholder).
> GIL: Chairman of BOD registered to buy and sell 400,000 shares (18/11/2010)
> HAI: SSI Vision Fund bought 35,000 shares (18/11/2010)
> HAI: Transaction of major shareholder (18/11/2010)
> HLA: BFI registered to buy and sell 1,600,000 shares (18/11/2010)
> KHA: Member of BOD registered to buy 2,500 shares (18/11/2010)
> KHA: Mr. Nguyen Van Manh registered to buy and sell 1,600,000 shares (18/11/2010)
> NVT: S.T.G services Ltd. registered to buy 3,025,000 shares (18/11/2010)
> BST: Director registered to buy and sell 15,000 shares (18/11/2010)
> AVS: Director registered to 750,000 shares (18/11/2010)
> B82: Director - cum - Deputy Manager registered to sell 16,200 shares (18/11/2010)