Tuesday, 23/11/2010 14:55

DIC: Explanation for business result in Quarter 3/2010

DIC Investment and Trading Joint Stock Company (HoSE: DIC) explained the fluctuation in business result between Quarter 3/2010 and Quarter 3/2009:

                                                                                                                                       Unit: VND


Quarter 3/2009

Quarter 3/2009


Difference ratio

Net revenue





Profit after tax






- Vietnam’s economy in 2010 is better than in 2009.

- Revenue was up mainly because of the increase in wood and steel products. Moreover, the government policy imposed limitations on clinker import, so the Company has new opportunities to export clinker.

- The proceeds from a share issuance early this year to raise the working capital helped the Company promote sales growth and then make revenue higher than in 2009.


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