RDP: Explanation for business result in Quarter 3/2010
RangDong Plastic Joint-Stock Company (HoSE: RDP) explained the increase in profit between Quarter 3/2010 and Quarter 3/2009:
Unit: VND
Quarter 3/2010
Quarter 3/2009
Difference ratio
Profit before tax
The selling quantity of waterproofs in Quarter 3/2010 was more than in Quarter 3/2009 because the rainy season came late and has extended. That made profit higher than profit in the same period last year.
> PHR: Resolution of the BOD (15/11/2010)
> HMC: HMC invests in a joint-venture company (12/11/2010)
> PIT: Explanation for difference in consolidated FS of H2/2010 (12/11/2010)
> DHA: Explanation for business result in Quarter III/2009 & III/2010 (11/11/2010)
> HSI: Explanation for business result in quarter 3/2010 (11/11/2010)
> TRC: Tanniruco’s 2010 profit target exceeded by 15 % (11/11/2010)
> PRUBF1: NAV from 28 Oct 2010 to 04 Nov 2010 (12/11/2010)
> VFMVF1: NAV from 28 Oct 2010 to 04 Nov 2010 (11/11/2010)
> DIG: Extension time of submitting audited FS H2/2010 (10/11/2010)
> DTT: Extension time of submitting audited FS H2/2010 (10/11/2010)