FPC: Explanation for loss in quarter 2/2010
Full Power Joint Stock Company (HoSE: FPC) has explained revenue in quarter 2/2010 decreased 85% beside quarter 2/ 2009 as follows:
* There was not new contract and the company finished some half-done contract.
* The company was in liquidation of surplus assets and production activities reduced.
* The company was affected status of the previous quarter.
* Beside, that transference contract of project of Duc My Industrial Park cancelled lost 32 billion dongs. The value was recorded in other income of 2007. Therefore, the unwithdrawn income was recorded in other expenses in 2010.
* Invoice No.0095922 issued on September 15, 2008 worth 13,068,000,000 dongs was cancelled on September 15, 2008 because Phu My Joint Stock Company (*) did not check and take over the project. But Full Power Joint Stock Company issued the invoice and recorded the income into the 2008 result. Therefore, revenue decreased 11,880,000,000 dongs.
(*) Temporary translation.