DTA: Change in investment plan
De Tam Joint Stock Company (HoSE: DTA) is executing DETACO Villa Project in Phu Quoc, Kien Giang province and completing the final works to ask for approval for 1/500 planning.
Through the process of survey and making plan, the managing board of DETACO found that the clean water supply in Kien Giang province in general and Phu Quoc island in particular is a potential field.
The Board of Directors, therefore, decided to invest in the clean water supply project of Me Kong Water Supply & Drainage Joint Stock Company (Rach Gia) (*) to execute the clean water supply project to all of Kien Giang province and Phu Quoc island.
Moreover, in order to focus on the above project, the Board of Directors also decided to withdraw capital from VI CO Investment and Mineral Joint Stock Company because reserve and progress in exploiting mineral mines of VI CO Investment and Mineral Joint Stock Company are not suitable with the Company’s strategy.
(*) the company name is translated temporarily.