PHH: Notice of transaction of share purchase rights of connected person (Ms. Thu)
PHH announces the notice of transaction of share purchase rights of connected person (Ms. Thu) as follows:
1. Name of issuer: Hong Ha Petroleum JSC
2. Stock code: Phh
3. Name of person connected with a person discharging managerial responsibility (PDMR)/Director: Mr. Le Quoc Tuan
4. Name of PDMR/Director: Ms. Le Hoai Thu
5. Position: Chief Accountant
6. Relation between connected person and PDMR/Director: Brother
7. Number of shares held by connected shareholder: 16,200 shares
8. Number of share purchase rights held by connected shareholder: 16,200 rights
9. Number of rights to be transferred: 16,200 rights
10. Expected date of transaction: From 04/6/2010 to 23/6/2010.