SJC: Notice of Treasury stock sale
SJC announces the notice of Treasury stock sale as follows:
1. Name of issuer: Song Da 1.01 JSC
2. Stock code: SJC
3. Securities type: Common stock
4. Number of current treasury shares: 358,100 shares
5. Number of treasury shares to be disposed: 358,100 shares
6. Purpose: Capital recovery for operation
7. Expected total number of treasury shares after sale: 0 share
8. Trading method: Selling through negotiation or continuous order matching
9. Expected date for sale: From 8/6 – 30/8/2010.
> SIC: Notice of transaction of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Hung) (01/06/2010)
> SGH: Result of transaction of principal shareholder (CityGroup) (01/06/2010)
> SGH: Notice of transaction of principal shareholder (Citygroup) (01/06/2010)
> VSD: Notice of Depository of DCS for additional securities registration (01/06/2010)
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> PTC: Extension of the submission date for Q1/2010 financial statements (01/06/2010)
> KDC: Extension of the submission date for Q1/2010 financial statements (01/06/2010)