HAI: Extension of the submission date for Q2/2010 financial statements
H.A.I Joint Stock Company has informed of an extension of the submission date for the Quarter 2/2010 financial statements of the parent company until the submission date for the consolidated financial statements under the regulations by Hochiminh Stock Exchange. H.A.I also asked to extend the audited financial statements of the first six months for another thirty days.
Reason: The Company is changing the accounting system and has many branches all over the country, so collecting figures has not been completed soon.
> VKP: Extension of the submission date for Audited FS 2009 (01/06/2010)
> VKP: Extension of the submission date for Q1/2010 Financial Statements (01/06/2010)
> SZL: Extension of the submission date for 2009 annual statements (01/06/2010)
> GMD: Extension of the submission date for 2009 financial statements (01/06/2010)
> VKP: Extension of the submission date for FS, Annual Meeting & Annual Report 2009 (01/06/2010)
> PET: Extension of the submission date for 2009 financial statements (01/06/2010)
> ASM: Extension of the submission date for Q1/2010 financial statements (01/06/2010)
> CII: Violation of information disclosure of affiliated person (01/06/2010)
> Businesses seeking capital by issuing corporate bonds (01/06/2010)
> QST: Directorate and Management Change (01/06/2010)