VKP: Extension of the submission date for FS, Annual Meeting & Annual Report 2009
Viky Plastic Joint Stock Company started auditing the financial statements of 2009 on April 01, 2010, but the auditing company has not completed auditing for Viky. Viky expects to report the audited statements on June 10, 2010.
* Viky Plastic Joint Stock Company held the 2010 Annual General Meeting on April 25, 2010, but there was not enough ratio of attendance (65% of total shares with rights to vote), so the meeting was not successful. Viky decided to organize the second meeting within 30 days.
* In short, Viky Plastic Joint Stock Company would like to announce extension as follows:
* Submitting Audited Financial Statements 2009: Until June 10, 2010.
* Holding Annual General Meeting 2010 – Time 2: Expected on June 15, 2010.
* Submitting Annual Report 2009: Until June 15, 2010.