DIG: Resolution on share buyback
The Board of Directors of Development Investment Construction Joint Stock Corporation (DIC Corp.)
Article 1: Approving a plan to repurchase shares:
* Volume registered to buy back: 2,000,000 shares
* Purpose: To increase the number of treasury shares.
* Resource: Capital surplus according to Financial Statements 2009:
* Surplus from issuance in 2007: VND142,922,800,763.
* Surplus from issuance in 2009: VND902,584,440,000.
* Total: VND1,045,507,240,763.
* Trading method: Order-matching method.
* Buying volume a day: According to current regulations and fluctuations in stock market.
* Day to start trading: after the Hochiminh Stock Exchange approves and allows the selling.
Article 2: Authorizing the BOD Chairperson of DIC Corp. to:
* Make a detail plan to buy back shares and fulfill necessary procedures to register transaction as well as report result.
* Implement the selling of shares.
* Determine the buying prices in order to bring benefit to shareholders.
Article 3: This resolution takes effects from May 26, 2010.