PHT: Trading result of major shareholder
Phuc Tien Trade-Manufacture Joint Stock Company (PHT JSC) has announced a trading result of major shareholder as follows:
* Stock symbol: PHT
* Investor: Baoviet Securities Joint Stock Company (BVSC)
* Owning volume before trading: 581,810 shares (5.29%)
* Sold volume: 401,810 shares
* Owning volume after trading: 180,000 shares (1.64%)
* Trading period: May 27, 2010.
> ASM: Trading result of major shareholder (31/05/2010)
> MCG : Trading result of inside shareholder (31/05/2010)
> DTL: Announcement of the first trading date (31/05/2010)
> POM: Canceling transaction of affiliated person (31/05/2010)
> DIG: Announcement of share buyback (31/05/2010)
> MKP: Adjustment in the price of the first trading date (31/05/2010)
> VID: Transaction of affiliated person (31/05/2010)
> VHG: Transaction of inside shareholder (31/05/2010)
> KSB: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (31/05/2010)
> HBC: Violation of information disclosure of affiliated person (31/05/2010)