VIT: Results of General Meeting of Shareholders 2010
Viglacera Tien Son JSC has disclosed the results of its General Meeting of Shareholders held on 31/03/2010. The following resolutions were approved:
1. Audited financial statement 2009
Item |
Unit |
Plan |
Completed |
% completed |
1/ Profit before tax |
VND mil. |
16,000 |
19,550 |
122.2 |
2/ Fix asset depreciation |
VND mil. |
23,898 |
23,402 |
98 |
3/ Account receivable |
VND mil. |
35,000 |
35,870 |
102.5 |
4/ Average income |
3.7 |
3.7 |
100 |
2. Profit allocation 2009
- Profit after tax: VND 14,675,209,770
- Compulsory reserve fund: VND 733,760,489
- Welfare and reward fund: VND 733,760,489
- Investment and development fund: VND 2,806,688,792
- Bonus to the management and assistants of BOD: VND 1,298,000,000
- Dividend payment: VND 9,000,000,000 (20% of the charter capital)
- Allowance for the Board of directors: VND 103,000,000
3. Allowance for the Board of directors, Supervisory Board:
VND 220 mil.
4. Plan 2010:
- Profit before tax: VNd 20 bil.
- Fix asset depreciation: VND 28 bil.
- Average income: VND 4.2 mil./person/month.
- Account receivable as of 31/12/2010: VND 30 bil.
5. Investment and period repair:
- Expanding furnace of Assembly line No.1 to increase capicity
- Equipment
- New Granite Viglacera factory: VND 112.9 bil.; capacity 1,500,000 m2/year
* Period repair, maintainance: Equipment, stations
6. Allowance for the Board of directors, Supervisory Board 2010:
- Board of Directors: VND 5,000,000/person/month
- Chief of Supervisory Boardd: VND 3,000,000
- Member of Supervisory Board: VND 2,000,000/person/month
7. Bonus to the management board:
- In case, profit before tax 2010 achieves VND 20 bil. the company will award the management board 50% of the excessive profit (Bonus will be taken from profit after tax of the company).
8. Dividend payout ratio 2010: No less than 15% of the charter capital.
Issue 5,400,000 shares to outstanding shareholders to increase charter capital from VND 45 bil. to VND 99 bil. and listing of additional shares on HNX. Issue plan:
Stock type: Common stock
Par value: VND 10,000/share.
Total volume of share to be issued: 5,400,000 shares
Subject: Outstanding shareholders
Exercise ratio: 1: 1.2
Price: VND 11,300/share
Plan to use the proceeds: Investment granit factory and equipment.