CCM: Notice of transaction of connected person
CCM announces the notice of transaction of connected person as follows:
1. Name of issuer: Can Tho Cement JSC
2. Stock code: CCM
3. Name of person connected with a PDMR/Director: Ms. Ta Thanh Kim
4. Name of PDMR/Director: Mr. Ta Thanh Hung
5. Position: Deputy General Manager
6. Relation between connected person and PDMR/Director: Father
7. Securities type: Common stock
8. Number of shares held by connected person: 20 shares
9. Nature of transaction: Selling through negotiation
10. Number of shares to be disposed: 20 shares
11. Expected total holding following transaction: 0 shares
12. Purpose of transaction: Personal
13. Expected date of transaction: From 15/6/2009 to 15/7/2009