PVSC: Change of BOD members
Petrovietnam Securities Joint Stock Company (PVSC) announces the change of members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the Management Board as follows:
I. The Board of Directors & the Board of Supervisor:
1. Mr. Dinh Thai Ha resigns as the BOD Chairperson and becomes a BOD member.
2. Mr. Duong Minh Duc holds the post of BOD Chairman.
3. Mr. Trần Trung Chi Hieu resigns as BOD member.
4. Mr. Bui Ngoc Thang holds the post of BOD member.
5. Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Minh holds the post of BOD member.
6. Mr. Trịnh Van Luong resigns as member of the Board of Supervisors.
7. Mr. Nguyen Anh Vu holds the post of member of the Board of Supervisors.
II. The Management Board:
Mr. Duong Minh Duc, BOD Chairman, resigned as the Director General as of April 25th 2009.