NKD: Trading Result of major shareholders
The following is the ownership of major shareholders of North Kinhdo Food Joint-Stock Company (Stock symbol: NKD):
- Name of the report firm: Prudential Viet Nam's Fund Management Company (PVFMC)
- Firms own shares of the North Kinhdo Food Joint-Stock Company (till 4th June 2008):
* Prudential Vietnam: 102,534 shares (1.02%)
* Prudential Balanced Fund 1: 54,664 shares (0.54%)
* PCA International Funds SPC: 501,020 shares (4.97%)
* International Opportunities Funds: 85,760 shares (0.85%)
- Total share volume held by the above firms: 743,978 (7.38%)
- Trading share volume and bonus shares (from 10/07/2008 to 24/02/2009)
* Prudential Vietnam:
+ Sold volume: 125,090 shares
+ Receiving bonus shares: 22,557 shares
* Prudential Balanced Fund 1:
+ Sold volume: 66,690 shares
+ Receiving bonus shares: 12,026 shares
* PCA International Funds SPC:
+ Sold volume: 80,004 shares
+ Receiving bonus shares: 110,224 shares
* International Opportunities Funds: 85,760 shares (0.85%)
+ Bought volume: 75,900 shares
+ Receiving bonus shares: 18,867 shares
- Owning share volume after trading (till 25/02/2009)
* Prudential Vietnam: 1 shares
* Prudential Balanced Fund 1: 0
* PCA International Funds SPC: 531,240 shares (4.32%)
* International Opportunities Funds: 180,527 shares (1,47%)
- Total share volume held by the above firms till 25/02/2009: 711,768 (5.79%)