RHC: Song Da Corporation buys RHC shares
On September 10th 2008, Song Da Corporation sent document to HOSE to inform of selling 163,000 shares of Ry Ninh II Hydroelectric Joint Stock Company (RNII) during trading period from 19/09/2008 to 19/03/2008.
- In trading session on October 14th 2008, Song Da Corporation placed a bidding order through Vietcombank Securities Company Ltd. (VCBS). However, due to technical mistake, VCBS placed a bidding order with volume of 261,490 shares (exceeding 98,490 shares compared to the registered volume).
- Now, Song Da Corporation has registered to buy the excessive volume as follows:
+ Registered volume: 98,490 shares
+ Trading method: order matching or put through
+ Trading period: from 01/12/2008 to 01/03/2009