Delisting of Government bond TP1A5505
HaSTC announces delisting of Government bond TP1A5505 as follows:
- Bond name: Government bond
- Issuer: State Treasury
- Head Quarter: 15 Tran Khanh Du St, Ha Noi
- Tel: 04-8242243 Fax: 04-9331294
- Bond code: TP1A5505
- Par value: VND 100,000
- Issue date: 22/12/2005
- Maturity date: 22/12/2008
- Coupon payment method: Later, once a year at the issue date
- Reason for the delisting: Maturity of the bond
- Record date for principal payment: 05/12/2008
- Delisting date: 05/12/2008
- Principal & coupon payment date: 22/12/2008