CYC: Business result in Q3/08
Chang Yih Ceramic Joint Stock Company (CHANG YIH CERAMIC) has explained business result in Q3/08 as follows:
* Sales in Q3/08: VND50,416,399,988, decreasing 49.22% (equivalent to VND48,864,967,633) compared to that in Q2/08 (VND99,281,367,621).
* Profit in Q3/08: VND5,618,508,773, decreasing 53.49% compared to that in Q2/08.
* Cost of goods sold in Q3/08: VND41,309,627,849, decreasing 48.18% compared to that in Q2/08.
* In Q3/08, the real estate market was frozen thus it affected sales of the company.
* The company fixed and maintained its production line so output decreased.