BPC: Business result in Q3/08
BimSon Packing Company (BPC) has explained business result in Q3/08 as follows:
- Profit before tax in Q3/08: VND4,331 million, increasing VND2,212 million (104.43%) compared to that in Q2/08.
- Reason: The company increased selling price of bags. The average price in Q3 was VND4,749.28/bag, increasing VND974.82/bag compared to that in Q2.
> MSC: Relocating head office and closing branch (04/11/2008)
> FBT: The record date for a ballot (04/11/2008)
> LAF: Business result in Q3/08 (04/11/2008)
> TDH: Business result in Q3/08 (04/11/2008)
> HT1: The record date for a shareholder list (04/11/2008)
> BHV: Financial Statement in brief QIII-2008 (04/11/2008)
> YBC: Financial Statement in brief QIII.2008 (04/11/2008)
> KMF: Financial Statement in brief QIII-2008 (04/11/2008)
> KBC: Financial Statement in brief QIII-2008 (04/11/2008)
> KLS: Financial Statement in brief QIII-2008 (04/11/2008)