SCD: Explanation for business activities of quarter 3/2008
Below is explanation of Chuong Duong Beverages Joint Stock Company (SCD) for its business activities result in quarter 3/2008:
* Although being affected by a lot of difficulties from domestic economy: rising of material prices, fluctuation of foreign exchange rate, even though the downturn of stock market, SCD staff has tried their best to meet the targets set by Annual Shareholders meeting 2008.
* Profit of quarter 3 increased by 7% compared to last quarter thanked to the significant increase of sales and income from financing activities (from deposit interest and foreign exchange difference)
* Accumulated profit after tax of first 9 months of 2008 is 17,895,496,221 dongs, up 10.67% on the same period of last year, accounted for 66.90% of the year’s plan.
> MCV: Explanation for business result in Q3/2008 (31/10/2008)
> UNI: Explanation for business result in Q3/2008 (31/10/2008)
> SGC: Trading Result (BOD member Le van Phuc) (31/10/2008)
> MCP: Dividend Payment in Cash (31/10/2008)
> Herbal drug maker lists on exchange (01/11/2008)
> HDBANK: Auction result (31/10/2008)
> Minh Hai: Information of Auction Registration (31/10/2008)
> Thaison: Information of Auction Registration (31/10/2008)
> PVFC considers listing date (30/10/2008)
> SD5: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (30/10/2008)