Wednesday, 08/10/2008 18:04

LBE : Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR

1.       Name of issuer: Long An Book and Educational Equipment JSC

2.       Stock code: LBE

3.       Name of person discharging managerial responsibility: Mr. Phan Cung Dan

4.       Position: Head of Administration - Director

5.       Securities type: Common stock

6.       Number of shares held by the shareholder before transaction: 18,270 shares

7.       Number of shares registered to be disposed: 9,315 shares

8.       Number of share disposed: 0

9.       Reason for incomplete transaction: the account is still block because of informing wrong account number

10.   Nature of transaction: selling through quotation

11.   Purpose of transaction: Personal

12.   Date of transaction: from 4/9/2008 to 4/10/2008


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