L18: Change of Head Office Address
Investment and Construction JSC No.18 announces that company has changed head offices address from 245 Nguyen Luong Bang, Thanh Binh, Hai Duong city to H2A, 471 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Nam, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi.
> Viet Nam Small and Medium Enterprises Securities Corporation opens a new order-receiving agency in Hanoi city (08/10/2008)
> Empower Securities Corporation changes address of Head Office (08/10/2008)
> Trang An Securities JSC changes address of transaction office (08/10/2008)
> SMESc: Sets up order-receiving agency (08/10/2008)
> TDH: Trading Result (08/10/2008)
> SDN: Insider Trading (08/10/2008)
> STB: Trading of affiliated institution (08/10/2008)
> DDM: License of offering shares to public (08/10/2008)
> Licogi 16: Approval in principle for listing stock (08/10/2008)
> KHP: Trading of affiliated company (08/10/2008)