L43 : Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR
1. Name of issuer: Lilama 45.3 JSC
2. Stock code: L43
3. Name of person discharging managerial responsibility: Mr. Phung Viet Son
4. Position: Deputy General Manager –cum–Director
5. Securities type: Common stock
6. Number of shares held by the shareholder before transaction: 40,000 shares
7. Number of shares acquired: 10,000
8. Total holding following transaction: 50,000 shares
9. Date of transaction: 01/10/2008
> DTC : Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (07/10/2008)
> DAC : Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (07/10/2008)
> VFMVF4: NAV from 25 Sep 2008 to 2 Oct 2008 (07/10/2008)
> VIP: Trading result of affiliated person (07/10/2008)
> VIS: Insider trading (Chief Accountant) (07/10/2008)
> HPG: Trading result of major shareholder (07/10/2008)
> SSC: Trading result of treasury stock (07/10/2008)
> GMC: Trading of treasury stock (07/10/2008)
> TTP: Trading result of major shareholder (07/10/2008)
> SAM: Trading of treasury stock (07/10/2008)