SSC: Trading result of treasury stock
Southern Seed Corporation (SSC) has informed of trading result of treasury stock as follows:
* Stock symbol: SSC
* Registered volume to buy back: 100,000 shares
* Bought volume: 100,000 shares
* Owning volume after trading: 100,980 shares
* Trading time: from 25/06/2008 to 30/09/2008
> GMC: Trading of treasury stock (07/10/2008)
> TTP: Trading result of major shareholder (07/10/2008)
> SAM: Trading of treasury stock (07/10/2008)
> ALP: Trading result of insider (07/10/2008)
> VNM: Trading result (Vietnam Dragon Fund Ltd) (07/10/2008)
> LBM: Dividend Payment in Cash (07/10/2008)
> ABT: Result of buying back stock (07/10/2008)
> Bear market buries dreams of investors (07/10/2008)
> ATSC: Sets up order-receiving agency (07/10/2008)
> HSI: Trading of affiated institution (07/10/2008)