TPH: Result of transactions of principal shareholder
1. Name of principal shareholder: Petrovietnam Insurance
2. Name of stock held: TPH
3. Securities type: Common stock
4. Number of shares held by principal shareholders: 76,700 shares (4.26% of TPH charter capital)
5. Number of shares acquired: 16,000 shares
6. Total holding following transaction: 92,700 shares (5.15% of the charter capital)
7. Date of transaction: by 18/09/2008
> L62 : Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (25/09/2008)
> YBC: changes of stock offering prices (25/09/2008)
> VTS: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (25/09/2008)
> SDD: Notice of transactions of principal shareholders (25/09/2008)
> TNG: Adjustment of 2008 production and business plan (25/09/2008)
> SJM: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (25/09/2008)
> TLC: Result of transactions of principal shareholder (25/09/2008)
> HASTC Notice: Hanoi Education Development and Investment JSC applies for listing (25/09/2008)
> HASTC Notice: Vinacomin – HaLam Coal JSC applies for listing (25/09/2008)
> HASTC Notice: Petro Vietnam Nghe An Construction JSC applies for listing (25/09/2008)