LBM : Trading of treasury stock
Lam Dong Mineral and Building Material Joint Stock Company (LBM) has informed of buying its shares back for treasury stock:
Bought volume: 150,000 shares
Trading period: from March 27th 2008 to June 27th 2008.
> ACL: The record date for dividend payment (08/07/2008)
> BMP : Result of share issuance (08/07/2008)
> VTO: Receive new oil tankers (08/07/2008)
> LSS: Trading of an institution (08/07/2008)
> ABT: Business result in six months (08/07/2008)
> TDH: Insider trading (08/07/2008)
> Recent gains boost investor confidence, analyst says (08/07/2008)
> VN-Index ends string of ten consecutive increases (08/07/2008)
> Retail investors riding waves of profit on Vietnam’s stock market (07/07/2008)
> PIT: Listing and trading the additionally issued shares (07/07/2008)