VID: The record date for dividend payment in stock
HoSE would like to announce the record date for the list of shareholders of Vien Dong Paper Joint Stock Company as follows:
Name of the listed firm: Vien Dong Paper Joint Stock Company (VIDON)
Stock symbol: VID
Stock type: Common stock
Par value: VND10,000
Ex-right date: July 04th, 2008
Record date: July 08th, 2008
Purpose: to pay dividend for the year 2007.
Apportion ratio: 1:1
Exercise ratio: 10%/par value (10:1)
The one who owns 10 shares at the record date will receive 1 share as dividend. The volume will be rounded down. The fraction parts will be bought by the company at the price of VND10,000 per share.
For example: At the record date, shareholder Nguyen Van A currently owns 225shares, the calculation as follows:
The number of shares distributed in theory: 225 shares x 10% = 22.5 shares
The number of shares in practical: 22 shares
The number of shares bought by the company: 0.5 shares x 10,000vnd = 5,000vnd.
Estimated issue volume: 1,949,935 shares
The right is not transferable. The shareholders who are currently restricted to transfer their shares can receive dividend in stock. The dividend in stock is transferable.
Trading day: estimated on July 31st, 2008.
Place & procedure of payment:
Shareholders whose shares have been deposited: shareholders make procedures of dividend payment in stock at the securities firms where the shares have been deposited.
Shareholders whose shares have not been deposited: shareholders make procedures of dividend payment in stock at the head office of VIDON.
Vietnam Securities Depository _ HCMC Branch will temporarily suspend the depository activities for VID on July 07th, 08th & 09th, 2008.