RDP: Reminder of information disclosure (3rd)
Reminder of information disclosure (3rd) of Rang Dong Holding Joint Stock Company as follows:
> DHA: Reminder of information disclosure (25/02/2025)
> TCI: Approval of the credit limit at Indovina Bank (25/02/2025)
> PPC: Receiving judgment from the Court (25/02/2025)
> YBM: Explanation for the stock price fluctuation (25/02/2025)
> TCI: Signing a trading contract with VIBank (25/02/2025)
> TCI: Approval on transaction with VIBank (25/02/2025)
> LHG: Decision on administrative penalty for tax violation (25/02/2025)
> ILB: Receiving the Certificate of public offering Registration (25/02/2025)
> PGD: Receiving Decision from the Court (25/02/2025)
> LHG: Receiving Decision from the Court (25/02/2025)