ILB: Record date for implementing rights & stock issuance for capital increase
Record date for implementing rights & stock issuance for capital increase of ICD Tan Cang - Long Binh Joint Stock Company as follows:
> VCB: Share issuance for dividend payment (27/02/2025)
> GEE: Result of stock issuance under ESOP (27/02/2025)
> GEE: Approving the result of share issuance under ESOP (27/02/2025)
> GDT: Adjustment to information in the stock issuance under ESOP 2024 (27/02/2025)
> SSB: Result of stock issuance under ESOP (26/02/2025)
> SSB: Approving the result of share issuance under ESOP (26/02/2025)
> ILB: Share issuance for capital increase from the owners’ equity (25/02/2025)
> MCM: Report on capital use progress (25/02/2025)
> ILB: Notice of the record date for share issuance (24/02/2025)
> VCB: Reporting materials on stock issuance for dividend payment (21/02/2025)