DXG: Share public offering
Share public offering of Dat Xanh Group Joint Stock Company as follows:
> VPB: Approving transaction with SMBC (24/12/2024)
> DXG: Information of record date for implementing rights (24/12/2024)
> CRE: Establishing a subsidiary (24/12/2024)
> TCB: Signing agreements with TCBS (24/12/2024)
> LGL: Approving transactions with related party (24/12/2024)
> PVD: Signing an agreement with PVD Training (24/12/2024)
> STK: Approval for transaction with Unitex Corporation (24/12/2024)
> PVD: Signing an agreement with PV Drilling (24/12/2024)
> MBB: Plan for implementing rights to buy shares (24/12/2024)
> DXG: Supplementing information disclosure (24/12/2024)